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FANN STAR: 던 "이별은 내 일부가 떨어져 나가는 과정" [ENG TRANS]

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

Title: 던 "이별은 내 일부가 떨어져 나가는 과정" (Parting is the process of losing a part of myself)

Date published: September 15th, 2023

Please read the article on the original website, it helps for metrics for the journalists (and DAWN if they see people read articles about him). The article is saved here below as back-up in case of paywall or deleted article.


Translation may contain inaccuracies, please leave any corrections in the comments or through the contact page

던(DAWN)이 그동안 가슴 속에 간직했던 사랑의 감정들을 음악으로 풀어놓는다.

던의 새 EP 'Narcissus (나르시스)'는 오늘(15일) 오후 6시 뮤직비디오와 함께 발매된다.

이에 앞서 공개된 타이틀곡 ‘Star’ 뮤직비디오 티저는 짧지만 강한 임팩트를 남겼다. 상처투성인 몸과 함께 달리는 자동차와 부딪히는 마무리는 진한 여운을 주고 있다.

던은 지난 4월 싱글 '빛이 나는 너에게'를 통해 감성적인 음색을 선보이며 솔로 아티스트로서 발돋움했다. 새 EP 'Narcissus (나르시스)'에서는 그리스 로마 신화 속 나르키소스가 물에 비친 자신의 모습과 사랑에 빠지는 것처럼 연인에 비친 나의 모습으로 하나가 되는 러브 스토리를 전한다.

던은 더블 타이틀곡 'Star' 'Heart'을 포함해 총 8트랙에 자신만의 감성을 입혔다. 십센치(10CM)를 비롯해 pH-1, 제미나이(GEMINI), 김사월이 피처링 가수로 참여했고, 그루비룸(GroovyRoom), Kwaca, LEEZ, BOYCOLD, 선우정아, EXY, 윤덕원 등이 작곡, 작사에 힘을 보태며 앨범 완성도를 높였다.

다음은 던과 일문일답.


DAWN unravels the feelings of love that he has kept in his heart through music.

DAWN's new EP "Narcissus (나르시스)" will be released today (15th) at 6 p.m. with the music video.

The music video teaser for the title track "Star" released earlier left a short but strong impact. The finish of bumping into a car running with a wound-filled body gives a deep lingering impression.

DAWN emerged as a solo artist in April, presenting an emotional tone through his single "Dear My Light." In the new EP "Narcissus (나르시스)," the love story of Narcissus in Greek and Roman mythology becoming one with his reflection of love, just as he falls in love with his reflection in the water.

DAWN added his own sensibility to a total of eight tracks, including the double title track "Star" and "Heart." 10cm, pH-1, GEMINI, and Kim Sawol participated as featured singers, while GroovyRoom, Kwaca, LEEZ, BOYCOLD, Sunwoojunga, EXY and Yoon Deokwon helped compose and write lyrics to enhance the album's completion.

Below is our interview with DAWN.


Q. How do you feel about releasing a new EP 5 months after "Dear My Light"?

A. I didn't know we would make a comeback this soon. Working on music is fun after joining At Area. [We] have a good chemistry, so [we] can return with an album containing eight tracks.

Q. What direction or musical orientation did you work with?

A. If the music that has been done so far has only shown one side of the artist Dawn, you can see a more diverse and sincere side of Dawn in this album. I thought the music and messages that the artist "Dawn" could give were important, so I focused on persuading the listeners.

Q. What does the album title "Narcissus" mean?

A. When I'm really in love, I feel like the other person and I are one at some point. Later, I feel like I'm not in love with another person, but with a part of me. So I thought that breaking up is not the process of moving away from that person, but a process where a part of me is falling apart.

Q. What kind of songs are "Star" and "Heart"?

A. At the beginning of the album, Groovyroom played "Heart" and [we] decided what album to make. "Star" is a song that was made after that, but it has a message opposite to "Heart", so the two songs were selected as the title. "Star" contains the feeling that you have no choice but to let go of it because you love them too much, and "Heart" contains the feeling that you don't want to let go because you love them too much.

Q. How did you feel about working with 10cm?

10cm is an artist that I have liked since I was young. The song "Star" came to my mind first after it was made, and I had a chance to meet him during the filming of content, so I grabbed the opportunity right away. He said he would gladly participate for which I'm very thankful.

Q. pH-1 and Gemini also featured.

I think I'm very lucky to be able to make music with Gemini. I met pH-1 in private and asked for a favor, and I was so grateful that he readily responded. And he recorded it in 3 days and sent it to me. I was shocked because it was so good.

Q. Did you try any vocal changes or pay special attention to anything in this album?

I felt that vocal changes was the producer's great ability when I came to At Area.When we work together, we discuss the direction of vocals together, saying, "I want this song to be sung like this." So each song has a slight change in vocal. We are trying to let you hear different tones from the music we showed before, and I hope the fans look forward to any voice changes in the future.

Q. What do you want to achieve as a solo artist through "Narcissus" or what you want to say to your fans.

A. If I can see my music and work, feel something, and communicate, I think that will be enough. I want to show and communicate

my good work*. Such things are always on my mind

because I am usually shy and quiet. I want to

communicate with the fans a lot from now on.

* not sure if this sentence is accurate, my apologies.

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