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소효소 (sohyoso) is an art group created by musician DAWN and multimedia artist soki (Seokwon/Sokijang).



생각 지상주의자들의 요람, 2023

July 3rd - July 16th

Online literature and music retailer, Yes24 organises for its 24th anniversary the exhibition "Cradle of Thought Supremacists" 

[ 상상 ]

소효소는 뮤지션 던(효종)과 아티스트 소키가 만나 경계 없는 작업을 추구하는 아트 그룹입니다. 이번 전시에서는 책을 통한 상상력에서 영감을 받은 작품을 선보입니다. 작가는 책과 작품의 의미를 동일선상에 두고 작업했습니다. 책이 글로 표현된 생각과 상상의 매개체라면 작품 역시 시각적으로 표현된 상상의 매개이기 때문입니다. 책과 작품을 통해 관객이 현실의 경계를 허물고, 자신만의 새로운 세계를 발견하는 여정을 시작할 수 있도록 이끕니다. 작품에 사용된 아크릴 조각은 다양한 형태와 물성을 보여줍니다. 이를 통해 누구나 자신만의 다양한 세계가 있음을 투영시키려 했습니다. 


소효소 Engineer 효종(던)&소키 Team: ACPIA 아크릴 (2023)

[ Imagination ]

Musician DAWN (Hyojong) and artist Soki meet to pursue art without boundaries. In this exhibition, we will present works inspired by the imagination of books. The artist duo worked with the meaning of the books and art on the same level. Because if a book is a medium of thought and imagination expressed in writing, the art piece is also a medium of imagination expressed visually. Books and art pieces lead the audience to break down the boundaries of reality and begin their journey to discover their own new world. The acrylic pieces used in this work show various shapes and properties. Through this, they tried to project that everyone has their own various worlds.


소효소 - Hyojong (DAWN) & Soki

Engineer team: ACPIA


Ssㅣ발점 , 2023


DAWN and producer Philip created the music for Ddasa Keem (HyunA) and Sanchae's exhibition '[ Ssㅣ발점 ]'


DAWN served as model for the exhibition on the artist and fashion designer Helmut Lang, directed by No Boundariez

Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 21.36.39.png

Other artistic ventures

Thing was there, 2022

Drop The Ball, 2022

DAWN created the soundtrack for Sokijang's 3D Render

DAWN created the soundtrack for Sokijang w Nahsol, hyojong's <drop the ball> 

A virtual space set in the Mulla Steel Complex, the lost Dragon Ball was accidentally picked up by humans in the future...

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